Module llmsearch.utils.model_utils

Common Utilties for Models


def batcher(iterable, batch_size)

Batch a iterable into batches of batch_size


iterable : Iterable
batch_size : int
batch size


iterator over batches
def decoder_parser(outputs, formatted_prompts, prepoc)

Removes the prompt from the text and calls prepoc on the completion


outputs : List[str]
model outputs
formatted_prompts : List[str]
formatted prompts
prepoc : callable
prepoc function


processed outputs
def encoder_decoder_parser(outputs, prepoc)

Applies the prepoc function on the completion


outputs : str
model outputs
prepoc : callable
prepoc function


processed outputs
def get_device()

Get device one of "cpu", "cuda", "mps"


device str
def run_inference(model, tokenizer, is_encoder_decoder, batch_size, disable_batch_size_cache, device, model_inputs, tokenizer_encode_args, tokenizer_decode_args, generation_args=None, disable_generation_param_checks=False, return_optimal_batch_size=False, output_preproc=<function <lambda>>, callbacks=None)

Infer on data with a specific batch size


model : AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM
model with a .generate method
tokenizer : AutoTokenizer
tokenizer to tokenize the input
is_encoder_decoder : bool
whether the model is an encoder-decoder model, False if not
batch_size : int
batch_size to run inference with, this gets dynamically reduced if the inference function encounters OOM errors
disable_batch_size_cache : bool
If True for each cross validation run, the pre-defined batch_size is used, this could lead to wasted computation time if OOM is raised
device : str
device to run the inference on
model_inputs : List
model inputs to do inference on
tokenizer_encode_args : Dict
Encoding arguments for the tokenizer
tokenizer_decode_args : Dict, optional
Decoding arguments for the tokenizer. Defaults to {'skip_special_tokens' : True}.
generation_args : Dict, optional
generation kwargs to use while generating the output. Defaults to None.
disable_generation_param_checks : bool, optional
Disables the custom generation parameter checks, this check does a sanity check of the parameters & produces warnings before doing generation, Not stable right now.
return_optimal_batch_size : bool, optional
if the function should return the optimal batch size found, useful for caching when performing cross validation. Defaults to False.
output_preproc : Callable, optional
Prepoc to run on the completion, by default strips the output. Note that this is applied on the completion. Defaults to False.
callbacks : List, optional
List of callbacks to run after each generation, by default None.


Union[Tuple[List, int], List]
outputs and or best batch size
def seed_everything(seed)

Seed for reproducibilty